The Second Stage of the Population and Housing Census 2021 namely e-Census Implementation has ended on 21st July 2021. Nearly half of the total households in Brunei Darussalam have registered and used the new on-line approach for filling in their census details.
The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, JPES, Ministry of Finance and Economy in its media release called on Heads of households who have registered for e-Census but have yet to complete their census questionnaires to complete them as soon as possible before Sunday, 25th of July 2021. Meanwhile, households that have not used the e-Census will be covered during the Third Stage of BPP 2021 through Face-to-Face Interview from 2nd to 29th of August 2021. The appointed Census officers will visit their living quarters to interview the head and each member to gather the required information on housing and demographic characteristics including education, employment, health and leisure activities.
Source: Radio Television Brunei