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Interest in Writing


The culture of reading that has been practiced since childhood, is the secret of a success of a student at a local institution of higher learning to produce her first book. As a talented young writer, the outcomes of her writing are more in the form of motivation and advice.

Dayang Siti Julaiha binti Puasa, Undergraduate of Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, UNISSA gained her interest in writing since schooling. The practice of reading culture has given a huge impact on her as it has prompted her to venture into the field of writing.

Due to her talent, 27-year-old Dayang Siti Julaiha is often invited to various youth activities including motivational talk programmes.

Early month of Muharram 1443 Hijrah was a historical date for Dayang Siti Julaiha as she had published her first book titled 'Back To You'. The book contains various topics such as Knowing Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala and Rasulullah Sallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. The book published in both Malay and English languages.

With the talent she has, there is no doubt, Dayang Siti Julaiha is one of the future writer. For those who are interested to obtain her writing, the public can visit her Instagram account at "BAITULHIKMAH.BOOKSHOP".

Source: Radio Television Brunei