Education Loan Assistance Scheme Applications to Open for 2025/2026 Academic Year


Bandar Seri Begawan: Applications for the Education Loan Assistance Scheme, SBPP for the academic year 2025/2026 are set to begin on 21st January. The Ministry of Education, through the Department of Scholarship Management, announced in a press release that the application process will start at 8:30 in the morning and will close on Tuesday, 25th February 2025 at 4 in the afternoon.

According to Radio Television Brunei, interested applicants must apply for at least one programme offered by local higher education institutions via the Higher Education Centralised Admission System, HECAS. Applicants are required to submit the completed application form along with related documents via email to Additionally, they must present hard copies of relevant documents, including SBPP and HECAS application forms, to Counter 3 at the Department of Scholarship Management, One Stop Centre, Block C, Ground Floor, Ministry of Education, no later than the closing date.

Applicants who have not yet received official results need to submit predicted results issued by their respective schools or institutions. However, the final decision on SBPP applications will be based on the actual official results. Application forms can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education’s website at For further enquiries, applicants are advised to contact the Department of Scholarship Management, Ministry of Education as indicated on the screen.