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Closing of Brunei Malay Arts and Culture Festival

‘Pantun Sebagai Khazanah Bangsa: Bengkel Pantun Melayu Brunei’ among the activities in the Brunei Malay Arts and Culture Festival in conjunction with Language Month ended yesterday afternoon with a closing ceremony. 34 workshop participants received th…

Festive Stalls

This year’s Royal Birthday Celebration is further enlivened with festive stalls. The festive stalls in the four districts are significant to all vendors and visitors as the most awaited festive traditions of the year. Sotong Tutuk or pounded squids, lo…

Static Exhibition

From the Royal Brunei Navy Parade Ground, His Majesty proceeded to view the Static Exhibition which among others highlighted the strong territorial integrity, high combat capabilities and preparedness, effective Defence Diplomacy as well as authoritati…

Tahlil and Doa Kesyukuran Ceremony

With a membership of approximately 600 people, the Brunei Muara Senior Citizens Activity Centre, PKWE is able to stand on its own and be resilient, an outcome of the efforts and enthusiasm of all members who have a broad and far-sighted vision. The Min…

International Congress of Malay Language, Literature and Culture

The International Congress of Malay Language, Literature and Culture Series in conjunction with Language Month, KABSBM organised by the Language and Literature Bureau Brunei, DBP through the Language Construction and Development Division was held virtu…