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August 1, 2021



Youth Catalysts of Nation Development

    Youth development programmes continue to be given serious attention by the government including capacity building programmes, infrastructural facilities, as well as physical and mental assistance.  These are to shape youths into a quality and productive workforce. As invaluable assets, youths are the successors who will continue the nation’s development

The Citizens’ and Residents’ Loyalty

The loyalty of the citizens and residents towards the monarch was clearly seen during the Get-Together Ceremony with the Citizens and Residents of Brunei Muara District yesterday morning.   As part of precautionary measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, the attendees were required to adhere to the stipulated guidelines.

Joyous Get-Together Ceremony

The joyousness of the Get-Together Ceremony with the Citizens and Residents of Brunei Muara District can be felt when His Majesty visited the special tents. The close ties between the monarch and his subjects have made the ceremony a memorable one. Accompanying His Majesty were His Majesty’s sons and brothers: